RINCOTRAP® trap to catch olive weevils (Otiorhynchus) and Forficula


Ecologic trap able to catch adults of Otiorrhyncus (olive weevils) and others pests that climbs the trunck of the trees.




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Products  - OLIVES NETS




We can supply olives nets, in green colour, whose meshes are anti-thorns (named "olive net Barese" or " olive net Pugliese"). Available olives nets have a weight, which varies from 93 gr/sqm to 110 gr/sqm (on demand); each net is made with alluminium eyelets on the edges. Available measures are: 4x6m, 4x8m, 5x8m, 5x10m, 6x8m, 6x10m, 8x10m, 8x12m, 10x12m. Other size square, with a cut in the middle: 4x4m, 6x6m, 7x7m, 8x8m, 10x10m, 12x12m. There are also some olives nets in rolls, whose lenght is 100m x width of 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m. Colour: standard colour of olive net is dark green.




For rolls: any single rolls of olive net in a polybags with its own label. For precutted sheet: balls with inside different numbers of sheets (starting from 20 sheets of 4x4m to arrive to two sheets of 10x12m). Any sheet is one olive net.


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